Top 10 Commercial Judgments

Below is a list of Commercial Judgments Loaded in the last 14 days.

Company Name Amount Judgement Date Industry
1. Atlantic Ocean Sands Hotel Limited €100,529 28/08/2024 Hospitality
2. Rasoi Limited €91,237 28/08/2024 Hospitality
3. Harp Electrical Eng Limited €86,887 28/08/2024 Legal and Other Business Activities
4. Chris Corrigan Bricklayer Limited €41,029 29/08/2024 Other
5. Wild Forest Limited T/As The Betsy €40,216 29/08/2024 Other
6. Wltyx Limited €32,736 20/08/2024 Other
7. Glenties Hospitality Limited €17,206 21/08/2024 Other
8. Chanail Mhor Services Limited €14,543 29/08/2024 Other
9. Excel Roofing Systems Limited €12,943 28/08/2024 Construction
10. Hab Foods Ltd €12,512 20/08/2024 Legal and Other Business Activities
For the total value of €0.45M


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